- Typing Phonetic Bangla is Very Easy
- Type as you pronounce the word with English letter.
- Ami, Tumi, Amar, Rastro, Mukhosh, Bangladesh etc.
- Right the complex word with + (Plus) sign.
- ras+t+ro, mos+To, aor+ko
- Remember that phonetic typing is case sensitive.
^ This is the Phonetic Character map for Bangla Consonant ^
^ This is the Phonetic Character map for Bangla Vowel ^
- Information Source Somewhereinblog.
- Download the pdf guide for offline reading Click Here.
- You may download the 'Typing rules for traditional keyboard layout based Bangla typing guide' of Avro phonetic writing way.
- The full information for Avro is available here. You need to download the pdf files.
- Visit this site to know about Lekho style.